Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Give Up

Yea. I really should be working on my prompt book right now. It's due tomorrow. And I have to be up for clinicals in about 6 hours. Yet, I am here writing.

I'd like to ditto my last entry.

And add a little, of course.

Basically, I'm done. I give up. I can't do this anymore. You all might as well know. I had a boyfriend for less than 12 hours yesterday. Yea. How pathetic is that? He broke up with me within 12 hours of wanting to start a relationship. I feel so silly about that. So stupid. I was so happy. But, I forgot that the happier you are, the worse it hurts when it ends. I never thought I could relate to a Fahrenheit song so well. Here is the song (the song is translated, too).

I couldn't/can't stop crying. Crying like an idiot. Wanting to hold onto something that is not for me to hold on to. I'm such a moron for still liking a guy who doesn't have any kind of romantic feeling for me. Is it wrong that I still want to be held by him? Is it wrong that I miss his smell? Is it wrong that I can't be mad at him? I was angry with him for about 5 minutes. Then, it went away. I just can't stand the feeling of being angry with him. I want him back. I want him to hold me and tell me silly stories again. I want him to tease me and call me beautiful. It hurt so much to hear him tell me that he felt nothing but friendship. How did he lose his affection within 12 hours? That much made no sense to me. I mostly understood why he'd want to break up because he felt that God didn't want him to date right now. I didn't/wouldn't like it but could have dealt with it. But, I'm nothing but "a sister" now. Feelings gone, just like that. I think that's what hurts the most. And yet, I can't bear the thought of him not being a part of my life. Even if I am only a friend, I want to be near him. I want to be by his side.

Why do guys say that "you'll meet someone better" or whatever? I don't want someone else! I just want to be with you!! "Someone better?" That's bullshit. Complete. You made me become vulnerable and want you. Then you say that I should be with someone else? How is that supposed to make me feel any better?!

Okay, okay. I'll stop ranting. Bottom line, I give up. I give up on romance. I can't do this anymore. I am not strong or brave enough. I'm a coward. It's not worth it. Although, I am so grateful I was able to experience that happiness, if only for a day. But, I can't do it again. So, I'm done. I'm done with it all. I can't deal with it. I give up.


KitchenFinks said...

Giving up? That doesn't sound like you. You have every right to feel that way and I assure you it isn't wrong. Also your not an idiot for crying. Giving up sounds a little extreme. Ask yourself..what would giving up solve? It wouldn't solve anything at all. Taking a break for a while may be a good idea. Your not going to want to hear this, but everything IS going to be okay. Whether you want them to be or not.

PS---The picture of the rose with the nail through it broke my heart and made me want to cry.

il mio cuore fragile said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please call me anytime you want. We could take a mini-roadtrip if you need to get away or something. ♥ *HUGS* ♥

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that your hurting so much right now but I promise that things will get better over time. Just remember to lean heavily on God and know that he will take care of things for you, I know it sounds hard but it really does help.