Monday, January 19, 2009

Application...Exciting Scariness!!!!

I worked on my YWAM Taiwan application with my parents today. It was fun spending time with my family and I am so grateful that they helped me with the application. I hate filling them out and get confused very easily over some stuff. Okay, okay, over a lot of stuff! >_<
But it was so much fun and so exciting to finally fill it out!!!!! I'm getting so syked for this summer. I'm also quite nervous, though...This is a major step for me. This trip will help determine quite a lot for me. Answer a lot of questions. Satisfy many doubts. So, I am feeling this very weird combination of excitement and anxiety.

There are many ministries that I would like to help with this summer. Kind of like trying on different hats. I know that I am feeling called to work with girls who were once child prostitutes, but there are other things the YWAM base does there that get me really, really excited. They have two ministries where I'd be able to use my nursing skills and one called Dare to be Different, which educates, supports, and aids women in the area with their sexuality, pregnancy, abortions, etc. You can check out their website that will be better at explaining their amazingness than I ever will be able to. Check 'em out, yo! ^_-

So, yeah. Bottom-line: I can't wait to find out if I can go this summer and if I am going...then I just can't wait for this summer!!!! ^_^

Walk with the King and be a Blessing!


il mio cuore fragile said...

I hope you get to go!!! I think it's awesome that you've felt God's calling and have been following it so fervently. You're pretty awesome, not gonna lie. ♥lamla♥

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you