Sunday, May 3, 2009

Serious need of an fail at blogging TT_TT

I realized how long it's been since I updated...shameful!!! Lol, oh, well. I guess I'm just not too good at this game...

Anywho, a lot has happened since the last entry. Well, not really a LOT. There are really only two things of "blogging note."

The first thing feels very old shoe and trivial so I'll try to make it real quick-y, quick-y. I am finally happily single. I know, I know I've said this before. But, in the past, there was always this lingering stab, loneliness, longing, what have you. I cared about it. Recently, I found out that a couple of people might be interested in me. At first I was flattered, excited, nervous, etc. You know, the usual girl stuff. Then, I got curious. Who is it??? I wanna know! Why weren't they doing anything? Not that I really wanted a relationship after the drama of last semester, but I was more or less curious. Well, as quickly as that became (mostly potential) drama for me, the excitement/curiosity/etc. died. I really don't care anymore who MIGHT like me or whatever. I am "off the market." No attachments and none wanted. I don't want romance and not in the "not wanting" as when I gave up. No, this is far more of a satisfaction and joy with singleness rather than a resignation. The freedom and carefree feeling of being completely unattached is marvelous! No complications. Nada. Nothing. I feel like I can finally and am finally finding completeness in God and God alone. In His romance towards me. I can finally fall in love with my real Prince. And He's not just any prince. He's literally perfect and even gave up Himself so I could be with Him forever. Forever and ever. A REAL happily ever after.

Okay, okay la! So that wasn't short. You all know I babble!! >_<

So, the real update is this: I AM GOING TO TAIWAN!!!!!!! Yea! I can't wait! My trip will be from May 23rd to July 23rd. 60 days actually in Taiwan, first Taipei, then Taoyuan. God has been way too good to a silly girl, total screw up like me! It is a bit scary - okay, a lot scary - but, I really hope that God will use me, keep my heart/motives pure, and keep me safe from physical and spiritual harm. Please keep me in your prayers! Life is just too crazy and God too wonderful, dui bu dui ("right")? ^_-

Walk with the King and be a Blessing!

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user001 said...
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