Sunday, September 7, 2008

Semi-New Start

This isn't my first time writing a blog. I had one a while ago. I think in middle school or high school. But that doesn't really matter.

I'm kind of doing a reboot for myself. I was once a typical, churchy Christian who felt that all the answers were simple and people just need to believe and smile. Then, I went through a lot. Some my fault, some not. But, I have changed. Some good, some bad. Seeing where I've been and who I have become has excited, scared, and troubled me. There are many things I want to change about myself. Many disciplines I've lost or never had need to be placed in my life. Some attitudes need to be repaired or killed. I'm starting a lot of new things, like this blog, to try to become the child and woman God wants me to be. I know this is going to be a hard long road, but I know I need to work my way through it all. If I screw up, I screw up. I just hope that I have the strength and character to not go back.

I'm not very good with words and expressing myself very well, but I wish that this will be a place for me to record myself and the progression or digression I make. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the sad, the comical. I know that I'm being a little dramatic with all this, but there is this feeling of renewal and understanding that urges me to be a little foolish.

I could go on to explain all the little things I'm doing to become who I should, but I won't. I'll just explain why my title is "Adopted Daughter of King Yeshua." There is a verse in the Bible that talks about being "adopted as sons." (I have no idea where it is. I'm horrible with references. All I know is that it is in the New Testament - probably in one of Paul's letters, which isn't incredibly useful, I know.) Therefore, I have been adopted into God's family as a child. Into the family of Yeshua (a name for Christ), who is the King. This is a royal family. As a child of the royal family, I must conduct myself in a way befitting a princess, keeping in mind where I've come from. I know this is very cliche, but it has many implications that many don't think about. Being a royal means not shaming the King. We are representatives of the royal household. The royal household should be attractive to others. A place to aspire to. Am I doing this? Not very well. Am I being humble about my station? (I must remember where I've been in order to not become filled with pride.) Not really. These sort of changes are what I am working on. I want to become a woman of God, a daughter of the King, that my Abba will be proud of. I guess we'll see how it all goes.

Walk with the King and be a blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Romans 8:15- 17 is an explanation in the adoption and stuff. I only know cause I had to memorize Romans 8 this summer. Cheers!