Saturday, September 20, 2008

Not a Good Response...


Earlier in the week, there was a group of evangelists that came to Ferris. The preacher/speaker would stand next to the library and shout out to people about who is going to hell and how to escape it. Except that he/she (the speakers would rotate) stated some things that really got my blood boiling. Christians don't sin (if you sin after accepting Christ, you will go to hell), God's love is conditional, you have to purify your life before Christ/God will accept you, and MLK is in hell are just a few of the things stated by the speaker that got me mad.

Thus, I tried to argue with him. Needless to say, I failed. He flat out told me that he didn't want to talk to me and that I was going to hell. Yea. I left after that.

But, being the stupid person I am, I went over to the people speaking more one on one and tried to argue with them. Yea. That was a smart one, Becca! All that happened was that I got angrier for being told that I am going to hell and am blinded by the enemy. They didn't even have a good response for my rebuttals. *Exhale*

All that happened only got people on the campus angry and thinking poorly of Christians. Well, I can't really say that. Maybe someone was touched and began thinking. I don't know. Overall, their message lacked love.

Then, I began to examine how I responded. I was angry with them for not being loving and I reacted the way I did! Not exactly a loving response. I was frustrated and annoyed and embarrassed. Should I have acted differently? Suppressed my anger? Was God happy with how I acted that day? Probably not.

However, Jesus did get angry. So, anger in and of itself is not evil. Maybe I just didn't react well to my anger.

There are a few videos on youtube about what happened. Here is one link if you want to check it out. I came out a little later after this video was made when my friend called me to tell me what was going on. You actually can see my dorm from the vid! ^_^ Also, there is some language, just to warn you. I found a total of 6 vids about the two days the preachers were there. Anywho, here's the link:

Let me know what you think, ok la?

1 comment:

J.B. Gardner said...

One thing I've noticed about the Gospels is that on the rare occasions that Jesus got angry with someone, it was most often against the "holy people" of the day. It was those entrusted with teaching and with handling the "holy" things that bore the brunt of Jesus' anger. The money-changers in the temple were in a holy place (GOD'S HOUSE), and were driven out in anger by Jesus. C.S. Lewis says that the worst evil does not grow except in the close vicinity of the holy. And so Jesus had good reason to be angry.
I don't know. Maybe this guy is some kind of modern Pharisee and is hurting God's kingdom and angering God... but maybe he is instead a lost child of God and needs to come to a saving reliance on Jesus. And also maybe he's just a brother in Christ who has a slightly twisted view of grace, and needs our loving correction. Again, I don't know...
