Friday, June 19, 2009

Nearing the end of Part I

My time in Danshui/Taipei is almost over. I really have mixed feelings. Taoyuan is where I really want to do ministry during my stay here. The past two Tuesdays I've been able to go to Taoyuan and work at the Girl's Center. It was marvelous! The ministry there is so amazing and great work was being done. I'm also excited to meet and work with the people there in Taoyuan - you all know how I love meeting new people and developing new bonds. However, Danshui is kind of my first love of Taiwan. It is the first place I've come to, holds the first people I met here, and where I first started to feel comfortable. Not to mention it is sooo close to Taipei and awesome night markets. Thus, I am in a bit of a tizzy. Should I be glad my time here is ending? Not sure yet. I'll let you know after I'm in Taoyuan for a while! ^_^

I suppose I should update on the things I've been doing. Well, I've mostly done a little bit of this, a little bit of that (a pot, a pan, a broom, a hat...^_-). I've gone to the hospital to pray with and over some of the patients. This was really great. I was able to see what hospitals were like here (old but the care is really good - i.e. I wouldn't mind being admitted here!) and, not to mention, the blessing it was to pray with some of the people. I've gone to a convelescent (elderly people's) home here where I gave back rubs to some of the women. It was really enjoyable. It was just frustrating when I wanted to talk to them but couldn't! Oh, how I wish I could have conversed with some of the elderly and listen to some stories! And of course, almost everynight I have gone to the Rock Cafe to talk to the people who come in. Basically hang out and share Christ's love! Oh, so great! >_< The past couple of weeks I have sat in on the DTS class here. Oh. My. Word. God talked to me and taught me so much during these short two weeks! It was incredible. I have decided to do a DTS when I'm done with school. Whether I should wait until after I've paid off my loans or not is still up in the air. Where I will attend is also in question. I'm thinking of a few different locations. The Taoyuan base, Danshui base, Hong Kong base, or any other base that might offer the performing arts as a DTS. So, basically I'm deciding on whether God wants me to do a DTS in Taiwan or if I should do a performing arts DTS and if so, where. I'm trying really hard to listen to God about this. But I keep getting the same answer: not yet. Grr. I hate that one. Most people who know me know that, while I am an easy-going person, I am very impatient. I hate waiting. T_T Yet, I know God is trying to teach me a thing or two during this time. One thing is that when God first gave me the call to Asia, I stopped trusting in Him. I knew the direction and everything. I was basically set. Not really depending on God for direction. Now, He is trying to teach me that I must trust in Him. The future is in His hands and I need to be patient and wait for His direction. I don't need to know everything right now. If I did, I would not longer be relying on and trusting Him. *sigh* If only lessons could be learned a little easier... Another thing I'm learning is that I am still young - no need to rush. Kind of like the song "Vienna" by Billy Joel.

Slow down, you crazy child
you're so ambitious for a juvenile
But then if you're so smart, tell me
Why are you still so afraid?

Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?
You'd better cool it off before you burn it out
You've got so much to do and
Only so many hours in a day

But you know that when the truth is told..
That you can get what you want or you get old
You're gonna kick off before you even
Get halfway through
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?

Slow down, you're doing fine
You can't be everything you want to be
Before your time
Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight
Too bad but it's the life you lead
you're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need
Though you can see when you're wrong, you know
You can't always see when you're right. you're right

You've got your passion, you've got your pride
but don't you know that only fools are satisfied?
Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?

Slow down, you crazy child
and take the phone off the hook and disappear for awhile
it's all right, you can afford to lose a day or two
When will you realize,..Vienna waits for you?
And you know that when the truth is told
that you can get what you want or you can just get old
You're gonna kick off before you even get half through
Why don't you realize,. Vienna waits for you
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?

Okay, so maybe not all of the lyrics are exactly right for my situation, but you get the picture. I'M ONLY 21!!!! I have time to think, wait for God's timing and direction, and still do God's work. I just have to be willing to go when He calls. Like Isaiah when he said, "Here I am, Lord. Send me!" Or Gladys Aylward who was willing even when those around her said "You aren't qualified." Just following, no matter the cost, even if it sounds foolish and wrong. If God says to go, I must go. In His timing. *exhale* Oh, the lessons we learn! ^_^

I think that's enough for one entry. I'll try to do one more before I leave Danshui. That only gives me three days, though, because I'm leaving on Monday afternoon/evening. *tear* T_T

Walk with the King and be a Blessing!


Timothy said...

I'm so excited for you, and glad that you're having a great time over there. :) Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

this is peter from aso. looks like you are enjoying yourself over there. helping out ppl and all. thats really nice of u. well u shouldnt care as much whether the journey is going to end soon. b/c wat really matters is that u been in taiwan, helping ppl out, caring for them, and spreading ur gospel ( i think i spelled it right). those feelings and memories will be something you be proud of and treasuring it. i hope i dont sound to corny or wat not. anyways i hope u enjoy and keep working hard the rest of ur time over there and the rest of ur summer. later