Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Going on two weeks...

I am now in my second week in Danshui, Taiwan. It is currently down pouring, a beautiful site! I love the rain. It's like God is cleaning everything again, from the air to the dirt.

My apartment I'm living in is quite cool during the day. So far it has yet to get unbearably hot...yet...My roomies are a-mazing! There are two other Rebecca/Rebekah's here, too. It makes things very interesting. Quite hilarious, actually. We try to all go by different nicknames, but it sometimes ends in an epic failure. We also spend quite a lot of time together, which has been wonderful so far. I really do love living with all four of the girls here (Rebecca, Rebekah, Mayi, and Ruth). They are all passionate about their relationship with their Lord, motivating me in mine. And on top of that, they are all just plain awesome!!

The Dragon Boat Festival was last weekend. I didn't see any of the bloodiness (many pierce their faces to appease the gods), but I have heard from staff that it can get bad. What I saw was actually quite happy and beautiful. There were a lot of fireworks (I have posted a video of some of the fireworks), firecrackers, parades, etc. Yet, it was a huge realization for me about how lost the people of Taiwan are. I couldn't help but feel immense sadness when I would see people participate in the festival. They didn't have to do that! If only they knew the only One worth serving! How much more beautiful would the festival be if they directed it toward Him! No more appeasing or sacrificing. Simply worship and adoration. As I watched the parades, listened to the drums, watched the fireworks, I imagined what it would be like if these were for worshipping God. It made me want to cry.

I have joined a few different ministries here last week. The convalescent home, hospital, worship times, prayer, The Rock Cafe, etc. It has made for a very busy time. But at the same time, I feel very relaxed. Maybe it's because I don't have every single moment of the day scheduled that I feel so at ease. When classes are in session, I am so busy with everything that I often find it hard to spend time abiding. I feel like I have to cram as much as I can in the day. Almost as if I can become a better person, better christian by putting way too much stuff on my plate. If I learn nothing else from this trip, at least I learned that it really is okay to take time to abide and be quiet.

During my trip to Taiwan, I was hoping that God would talk to me about what He wanted me to do with my life and how He wanted me to do it. However, everything is fuzzy once again. What I thought I knew, I lost. The only things I feel certain about are these: God is wonderful and He wants me to stay in Taiwan (after I finish my degree, of course). But there's still most of my trip left. Perhaps He will speak to me still.

That leads to another thing: I LOVE TAIWAN!!!! I really do. It is so comfortable here, the people are inviting, and there is such a need. (No, not that I love the need, but I feel like I can/should do something here...) I went to Taipei a couple of days ago and fell in love with the city. Yes, yes, Danshui is considered part of Taipei, but I fell in love with the actual city city. It was so beautiful, I almost cried. I wanted (and kinda did) to dance down the streets. I just couldn't get over how utterly beautiful it all was. I didn't want to leave. Ever.

Well, that's about all for now, peeps! I'll try to keep up a little better with posting here...But, alas, being the procrastinator that I am, twill probably end in failure. Epic failure. ^_^

Walk with the King and be a Blessing!

1 comment:

il mio cuore fragile said...

Hey love! Glad to hear things are going well over there, sounds like you're really enjoying yourself. I hope you keep listening for God's plan and helping out where you can! Love ya. ~lomla