Saturday, July 25, 2009

State-Side Once Again

Garn! I had a whole final posting all typed up and ready to publish when my battery died on my laptop . . . grr. Oh, well. I'm not gonna re-type it because there is no way I can remember it all (considering it was two days ago that I wrote it) and I'm feeling kinda lazy (blaming jet lag for that one). I actually slept all day yesterday. Literally. I woke up twice to eat. That's it. Oh, lovely jet lag and lack of sleep! -_- Lol, it did feel pretty good, but now I'm feeling rather groggy...

Well, what can I say? Taiwan is where I felt I belonged. There is a beauty there that cannot be described. I don't know and am tired of guessing what God has in store for me next. I'll figure it out as it goes, I guess. It's annoying but it's how God works, right?

What will I miss? A lot. The great public trans, convenient stores, scooters everywhere, even the heat. Everything is so cheap there, too. The people are so kind and welcoming. The mountains are beautiful. Green and flowery. There are so many trees that flower here. I mean, there. I'm not in Taiwan anymore . . . feels strange.

What won't I miss? Probably the spiritual warfare. That was really strong there and really affected me. And definitely the sqatty-potties. ^_^

Speaking of which, is it weird that I find it weird to be putting the toilet paper in the toilet instead of the trash can? O_o What's also strange is not sticking out anymore. I got used to being stared at. Now, all I see are white people. Odd feeling . . .

Will I go back? God willing. I've already promised a lot of people that I would go back, so I'd better one day! I already miss them. It was really hard to leave. I cried a lot. Fought back the tears even more. Even when I was in the airport in Taoyuan, I wanted to just cry. I didn't want to leave with all my heart. The only things that were keeping me from leaving were God's reminder that I need to finish school and thinking about everyone I get to see back home again. Seeing their smiling faces in my head kept me from just turning around and going back.

Now, I am sitting in my hotel room at 7:30 am, having already been up for about an hour, remembering. At least I was able to make beautiful memories to carry me through until I can see Taiwan again. The people, the mountains, the flowers.

Lord, please allow your unworthy servant to return soon . . .

Until then . . . Taiwan, see you in apple blossoms time.

1 comment:

Alex Saari said...

Just incredible! It is amazing what God can do to show you so many things and open your eyes in ways you never well as glorifying God in everything you do! :) so glad for your incredible experience.