Monday, May 25, 2009


Yup! I finally made it!

And because I'm feeling lazy, I'm just gonna post here the update I sent over facebook. It basically says what I would say here anyway...

So, here it is:

well, as you can tell, i'm finally in taiwan!!!!

i'm still a little tired from jetlag, but surviving.

funny story: had quite an ordeal when i went through customs. first they thought i had swine flu. O_o then i didn't know the address of the apt i'm staying at (which i needed to be let in the country), so we had to get that whole thing straightened out TT_TT....which took a, grrr! lol, at least it's over and i was able to get into the country ^_^

well, it is warm but not horrible. quite humid, but livable. at least so far ^_^ i'm actually enjoying the change from mi's coldness...

the apt is comfortable. no a/c, but fairly cool due to a tile floor and a nice breeze. there is a cat, too! she's friendly and kinda reminds me of a dog at times with how she demands attention and rolls over for you to rub her belly...she also licks your hand for no apparent

there's not much more to report at the moment... had hot pot yesterday (which was a-mazing!) and met some of the people from the base.

keep the people of taiwan and those at the base in your prayers. there is a huge festival this weekend that gets really crazy. people self mutilate and it can be dangerous...

That's the end for now, folks! I'll probably be updating this more often than my facebook group as this is an optional update that people won't get in their facebook inbox.

Walk with the King and be a Blessing!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Serious need of an fail at blogging TT_TT

I realized how long it's been since I updated...shameful!!! Lol, oh, well. I guess I'm just not too good at this game...

Anywho, a lot has happened since the last entry. Well, not really a LOT. There are really only two things of "blogging note."

The first thing feels very old shoe and trivial so I'll try to make it real quick-y, quick-y. I am finally happily single. I know, I know I've said this before. But, in the past, there was always this lingering stab, loneliness, longing, what have you. I cared about it. Recently, I found out that a couple of people might be interested in me. At first I was flattered, excited, nervous, etc. You know, the usual girl stuff. Then, I got curious. Who is it??? I wanna know! Why weren't they doing anything? Not that I really wanted a relationship after the drama of last semester, but I was more or less curious. Well, as quickly as that became (mostly potential) drama for me, the excitement/curiosity/etc. died. I really don't care anymore who MIGHT like me or whatever. I am "off the market." No attachments and none wanted. I don't want romance and not in the "not wanting" as when I gave up. No, this is far more of a satisfaction and joy with singleness rather than a resignation. The freedom and carefree feeling of being completely unattached is marvelous! No complications. Nada. Nothing. I feel like I can finally and am finally finding completeness in God and God alone. In His romance towards me. I can finally fall in love with my real Prince. And He's not just any prince. He's literally perfect and even gave up Himself so I could be with Him forever. Forever and ever. A REAL happily ever after.

Okay, okay la! So that wasn't short. You all know I babble!! >_<

So, the real update is this: I AM GOING TO TAIWAN!!!!!!! Yea! I can't wait! My trip will be from May 23rd to July 23rd. 60 days actually in Taiwan, first Taipei, then Taoyuan. God has been way too good to a silly girl, total screw up like me! It is a bit scary - okay, a lot scary - but, I really hope that God will use me, keep my heart/motives pure, and keep me safe from physical and spiritual harm. Please keep me in your prayers! Life is just too crazy and God too wonderful, dui bu dui ("right")? ^_-

Walk with the King and be a Blessing!