Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Worried to Tears

I saw it coming on the internet. I had wanted to experience one when I was still in Taiwan. I hoped it would not be too bad. Then I heard and read the news.

The typhoon was devastating.

While I was there, I experienced some fringe effects from a couple of tropical storms and typhoons. Wanting to really experience one, I had actually been a little disappointed. Storms are one of my favorite things because they are so exciting, exhilarating. I am such an idiot. Reality can really suck.

Now, I am so worried about Taiwan, I am fighting tears. Mostly because I just heard that YuJin, precious, beautiful YuJin, was hit badly. (That is the city I mentioned in an earlier posting.) Many people still in danger and homeless. Why can't I be there?!? I want to make sure that everyone is okay! I want to hold them and be sure that they are safe.

If I had stayed behind in Taiwan like I had wanted so desperately to, I would probably have been in the south, where the typhoon hit the worst. Was God sending me back here to get me away from the typhoon? I'm not sure. It is a possibility, I suppose.

The reason doesn't matter, though, I think. The simple, annoying fact is that I am here, on the other side of the world. So far away from my beloved YuJin, Taiwan.

WHY?!?! WHY LORD?! YOU KNEW IT WAS COMING! WHY DID YOU SEND ME AWAY!? I WANT TO BE THERE RIGHT NOW! I want to help!! It's not fair that I am all perfectly safe when those whom I have come to love and care deeply for are struggling! Lord, why can't you give me wings to fly back? The eagles wings said that we soar on when we trust in You. Let me go. It became my home, Father . . .

Please, protect my home, Abba. You are King and reign over all. You are strong and mighty, with power to do all things. So, protect them. Please. I beg You . . .