Monday, October 27, 2008

Many Ramblings

Wow! It's been a while since I last posted...oops.

Anywho, there's been a lot of things happening recently and I guess I wanna blow some steam. Or ask for prayer. Or something. I dunno. I'm just being me, as usual! ^_-

The first thing is that I just watched a video on youtube about abortions. Most people know where I stand on the issue. I'm not as right-wing as some people, but I'm definitely pro-life. Where the line is, I can tell you at a later date...that's not the point at the moment. The video was VERY, VERY, pro-life. It showed pictures of aborted babies, as well as police beating up people who were protesting. I don't know if they were being disruptive and it was "called for," but it didn't look right. Well, back to the pics. I wanted to puke. I seriously felt sick to my stomach. They were disgusting. It made me more sure of my stand on the issue. I think that there needs to be a line made that restricts when an abortion can occur. Many/Most of these were way, way past the line.

But this brings up another issue. Some of the pictures had roses by the dead fetus. Like a funeral. However, if the church is so adiment about this issue, why don't they hold funerals for spontaneous abortions, i.e. a miscarriage? Why don't we? We can't have it both ways. There needs to be consistency.

What do ya'll think? Here is the link if you want to see it.

Another thing is that I need prayer. I am going to be (hopefully, maybe, probably) going to be giving my testimony at Real Life on Nov 4th. If any of you know me and my testimony, you'll understand why I need prayer. That is a very scary date for me (although Nov 5th is "worse," I guess) to be talking about myself. I just need strength to not breakdown or something. Yea. It will start (I'm assuming) with the drama I created that represents my testimony. For that, I'm actually quite excited. I think it could be very powerful. I really want to encourage people in their walk and faith in God throught this story. It's not supposed to be about me. I pray that I will keep it that way.

If any of you could come and support me that day at Real Life, come to the Centennial room beside Quiznos at about 7:30/7:45 or so. I'd more that appreciate it.

Now for the last part.

I AM SUCH A SILLY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! Grrr. I really wish I could keep my head on straight. Arg. Oh, why must the heart be so fast to cling onto another? Why must I feel the need to give my heart away before it is asked for? I AM SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!

*exhale* Now I feel a little better.

Yup. That's basically it. Hopefully I won't be as delinquent or long winded in my writing next time.

Walk with the King and be a Blessing!
